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Thank you, I love you!

I am “almost” free from victimization😊. Of course, I still tend to have thoughts of suffered injustice, but I’ve come to the performance to shut their mouths quickly, just before they would have the chance to take control of me. I decided not to control my...


All in all, the relationships in our lives, whatever their nature would be, bring about changes that need to take place. On a strictly mental-emotional level, they seem like failures and bring with them momentary pain. However, on a slightly more spiritual level, they...

The memory of a missing memory

It’s been quite some time since I last wrote something. There was a time when I dared to express my feelings more, when I still had time just for me, then…life just happened 🙂 and time started to run too fast for introspection or philosophy. I’ve never put on stand by...