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I am “almost” free from victimization😊.

Of course, I still tend to have thoughts of suffered injustice, but I’ve come to the performance to shut their mouths quickly, just before they would have the chance to take control of me.

I decided not to control my emotions anymore, because from their initial meaning of inner thermometer, they manage to become the currency with which we sell ourselves to others. It’s like a constant judgment where we are either the victims or the executioners of someone.

What if we stop looking for culprits?

What if it doesn’t matter who did it to us or not? What if we forgive ourselves for hurting others? What if we give up making mistakes again? Every morning we start a new ‘Me’, at which point we can decide how we shall proceed.

For example, there are a few months since I wake up every day with “I love you” and “thank you”, whether I feel these words or not. Where does it say you have to feel them?

But the surprise comes when you realize that even though you may have said / thought without feeling them, these words do magic.‘I love you’, ‘thank you’, these are words with a powerful transformative charge. Like an energy generator that changes your vibration with a simple ON and the light appears!Apart from waking up with these words, I repeat them in my mind hundreds of times during the day and then finally I go to bed also saying them. In this commitment I came to love and thank any shitty emotion that tries to control me and the people I mistakenly thought were responsible for my negative feelings. It’s the only way to take control, to take responsibility and turn all the mess into tasty candies that can be enjoyed. No, I’m not talking figuratively, but literally. And yes, I know it seems too simple to be true, but if it anyway seems so simple, let’s see how you practice this simplicity and then enjoy the results together. One needs to try it, not believe it! I’ve already entered on some kind of automatic system since I keep repeating them, but at the beginning in order to introduce the new routine, you need some sort of bracelet to remind you to repeat the magic words in your mind, when you see it, or an alarm on the phone set to ring one time every hour or anything that takes us out of everyday’s life / routine and may remind us what to do. The results will really amaze you, as if you are starting to see the broom cleaning your way just before you step on it

.Remember, you don’t have to feel anything when you say the words or think about them, you just have to say them as often as you can. I look forward to your emails or comments after 3 days of practice… I love you, thank you!


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