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A few massacres just from the last 100 years: Fantana Alba, Bucovina de Nord,1941, Holocaust/Genocide of European Jews during WWII, Cambodian Genocide – during the ‘70s, Rwanda 1994, Srebrenica, Bosni-Hertegovina 1995, Utoya, Norway 2011, Sirian Genocide 2013, Rohingya Genocide, Myanmar 2017, Mariupol, Bucha, Irpin, Ucraina 2021) …and the list unfortunately does go on…

Yes, I started this monologue in a terrible note, I know, and I regret that I could list all of those real facts, not just histories. I know, it is hard to read it, imagine to live it or to ‘die’ it.

Man, the most powerful animal on Earth, in the absence of moral values is just a wild beast.

The only reason, humans are on the top of the trophic hierarchy is the power of their minds.

Hate gives birth to wars and wars give birth to more hatred.

Once you throw the first stone, according to the laws of attraction, the boomerang effect will occur.

I heard the other day the President of Ukraine addressing with grief to the mothers of the Russian soldiers that were capable of killing civilians of all ages in the massacres of Bucha, Irpim and Mariupol, “You couldn’t be unaware of what’s inside your children. You couldn’t overlook that they are deprived of everything human. No soul. No heart. They killed deliberately and with pleasure.”, he said.

it sounded like the worst semantic joining that I have ever heard for me as a mother, it sounded almost as bad as the images of the massacre looked like.

No one wants to be that mother, right? Or are there mothers that teach their children that they have the right to take someone else’s life? May there be mothers that don’t see the evil in their children?

How could this happen again and again?

In which moment the human mind loses all its human values? How is it possible the dehumanization?

It’s obvious how humans can destroy anything so easily if they just set this purpose in mind, so shouldn’t we all try to do more ‘good’ in the same way, using our beautiful mind power in order to cherish life?

‘Make love, not war’, the slogan, primarily used during the Vietnam War, it seems that has aged without achieving its goal, has become outdated and no war was stopped by it.

Somehow a lot of generations of parents, teachers, mentors, mother figures have failed.

Wars are still present, still atrocious, the armies are still divided into soldiers and war criminals.

Slogans are just words, nice for the first steps, but they can’t spread love instead of people.

Humanity failed regarding this basic chapter of life, the one named LOVE.

So, I feel the need to return to Zelensky’s words addressed to the war criminals’ mothers, because they just hit me so profoundly, since any human life starts with a biological mother and it is mandatory to continue with a mother figure (biological or not, no matter the parent’s gender or the tutor’s biological gender) in order to meet love from an early age, to feel the love, to be taught what love is in a natural way.

Did you noticed that even the Son of God was sent on Earth to become human by being born of a woman, by growing in her arms? He wasn’t just sent to Earth, he was born and raised as a human.

In all the icons and statuettes, baby Jesus appears surrounded by the arms of his mother, Mary.

The link between the maternal inheritance, the values that the mother figure must pass on to her child and the future adult’s attitude in society is huge.

We may still raise better generations, we may spread more love, pass to our children more values based on unselfish love.

All world’s religions and philosophies share advice about the power of the good thought in some way or another.

Among the moral values that we can teach next generation, among the personal example of spreading love, there is also the power of our mind that I mentioned in the beginning, the power of our thoughts.

Prayers are the deepest expression of our thoughts, of our will, of our energy that we want to materialize and especially it is the proof of the fact that regardless of our religion, we all feel the presence of the Divine in the Universe and in us.

Christianity teaches us about the power of prayer both for the living and for the salvation of the dead.

In the same note, Forgiveness is a duty for the Muslims and Quran’s verse 15:85 reminds them to ‘forgive graciously.”  “We have not created the heavens and the earth and everything in between except for a purpose. And the Hour is certain to come, so forgive graciously.” (Quran 15:85)

Hawaiian wisdom teaches us to forgive the past, to erase painful memories, and to ask the Divinity to send divine inspiration in their place.

Buddhist mantras have the same purpose as prayers.

Religions have given birth to wars, but the power of prayers, no matter their origins, the power of the good thoughts, the power of human minds used in good faith, those were always healing.

Shifting our minds, we heal our soul and help also others spreading love and good energy. What if we would try to focus more on this capacity of our minds, if would try to connect our thoughts more to the Divinity, what if we would teach the future generations that our only purpose in life should be to live happy and just in peace and harmony with all the others, would it be utopic?

Imagine all the beauty in the world versus any of the above massacres…The blue eyes of a little blond boy, the dark eyes of a brunette young girl with her cat in her arms, imagine a Renaissance artwork and old theatre and then nothing else of all of them, just their remains and ashes…Now think again of the moral human values, do you feel them even more important than 4 minutes ago?

So many souls of both leaving and passed ones needs our prayers daily, so much bad energy needs to be recycled, there is so much power in our thoughts that can be used to clean all the world’s negativity. Each word that we say is the mark of a thought and has the ability to imbue in the soul and mind of the one to whom we address. So let start spread more love, let really teach our children just the language of love, let be there for them and help them grow loving people, animals, plants, this planet, life, let repeat them all the human moral values constantly, let teach them from young ages about their powerful minds, it shouldn’t be utopic if we start with us and let them see our example.

We are responsible for what we spread; the future starts today with us.


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