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Apa solarizată

Primăvara și perioada sărbătorilor Pascale au darul de a ne reaminti in prima parte a fiecărui an despre miracolul vieții sub toate formele ei si despre circuitul vieții in natura. Ma fascinează să observ cu ateție această evoluție naturala a formelor de viată, asa...
The mother figure

The mother figure

A few massacres just from the last 100 years: Fantana Alba, Bucovina de Nord,1941, Holocaust/Genocide of European Jews during WWII, Cambodian Genocide – during the ‘70s, Rwanda 1994, Srebrenica, Bosni-Hertegovina 1995, Utoya, Norway 2011, Sirian Genocide 2013,...
The memory of a missing memory

The memory of a missing memory

It’s been quite some time since I last wrote something. There was a time when I dared to express my feelings more ,when I still had time just for me, then…life just happened 🙂 and time started to run too fast for introspection or philosophy. I’ve...